Friday Aug 11, 2023

Gratitude & Forgiveness with Tony Rodrigues

Heads Up, ladies! Tune in to this powerhouse convo with the one and only Tony Rodrigues! We're cutting through the noise and spilling the tea on that Daily Gratitude Trend everyone's raving about. Sure, jotting down your daily "thank-yous," is all the rage, but is it life-changing or just Instagrammable?

We shake the table with some real talk on Forgiveness in a Cancel Culture world. In a social media world full of people eager to hit 'unfollow', how do we champion real growth, accountability, and, yep, second chances in our real lives?

Feel like forgiveness is a peak you can't climb, especially with baggage from the past? Maybe it's time to rethink the journey. We're diving deep, especially for our fierce women in our listening community who've weathered some nasty storms.

Stay glued because Tony’s dropping some major keys  on mastering forgiveness. Whether you're letting go of your own missteps or someone else's, this is some next level advice.

Pop in those earbuds girl, get cozy, and brace yourself - we’re about to drop one of our juiciest episodes!!! 

Dive in and stay inspired! 

To follow Tony Rodrigues: 

What did you LOVE from this episode? Hop on over to my IG HERE and let me know under this episode's post! Would love to hear from you, Goalfriend!

The Fresh Works of Port Richmond.
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